Unable to connect with UltraVPN

If UltraVPN is running, but you can’t connect to the VPN (i.e. you can open the UltraVPN app, and it seems to run properly, but will not connect to any server), follow the steps below. After each step, check to see if you can connect.

Before troubleshooting, make sure that:

  • You are connected to the internet 
  • You are using Windows 7 or later
  • To isolate the cause, temporarily disable any 3rd party app that may interfere with your connection. For example, a firewall with strict settings, or another VPN application or an antivirus.
  • You have the latest version of the app (some older versions will have trouble connecting to our new servers)

Below are some of the most common troubleshooting steps.

Step 1: Switch VPN protocol

The first thing you should do when encountering connection issues is to connect with a different VPN protocol.

To connect with a different protocol, follow these steps:

  1. Disconnect UltraVPN if you are connected
  2. Click on the Gears icon
  3. Click on VPN Protocol
  4. Select WireGuard

After selecting WireGuard, go back to the main app screen and try to connect again. If WireGuard does not work, try IKEv2(IPSec)instead, and then try to connect again.

If switching VPN protocol failed, try the next step instead.

Step 2: Try to connect to a different server

The second thing you should try is connecting to a different server.

To connect to a different country in the UltraVPN app, follow these steps:

  1. From the main screen of the UltraVPN app, click on the Country selection button (labeled Virtual location) under the Connect button.
  2. This will open the Server locations list. Select one of the other available servers, such as United Kingdom
  3. Click on CONNECT

The app will now try to connect to the selected country.

If connecting to a different server failed, try reinstalling the application.

Reinstall the UltraVPN app

To reinstall the UltraVPN app, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to our Download page. You may be asked to log in if you have not done so already.
  2. Download the latest version for Windows
  3. Launch the installer
  4. When asked to Uninstall or Repair, click on Uninstall
  5. Follow the instructions in the app until you are presented with a Finish button. Click it.
  6. Once the application closes and is uninstalled, launch the Installer again that you downloaded in Step 2.
  7. Follow the instructions presented in the app to complete the installation

Once the app has been reinstalled, try to connect again.

Whether these steps work for you or not, we would love to hear your feedback so that we can improve our app and service. If you are still unable to connect, please provide our support with any error messages that may be displayed in the app.